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Purchase Bitcoin and other coins safely with Bitrizza
Get started right away! Once registered, you will be provided with a secure online wallet.
EUR 7268
Crypto Received
+BTC 0.02124
Balance Available: BTC 0.08273
Received - From Alex W.
Advanced crypto exchange platform
Thousands of users have entrusted their funds with us. And there is a plethora of important reasons for it
Our GDPR - compliant servers are supervised by a team of professionals, working round-the-clock.
Speedy transactions
Our transactions are so fast, that by the time you switch to your wallet app, the funds would already be in there.
All in one
Buy, sell, send crypto or securely store it in your wallet. All in just a few clicks and within one browser tab.
So easy
Intuitive UI and minimalistic design ensures that there are no obstacles preventing core services access.
Customer care
Customers' satisfaction is our core value, hence we strive to resolve their issues with utmost care and attention.
Buy & Sell Crypto
Your crypto journey is about to commence!
Bitrizza Widget
1 BTC - 103731.82 EUR
You pay You get
1 EUR = 0.000010 BTC
Start your crypto journey right here!
   With Bitrizza you can buy or sell cryptocurrency with low commissions and favourable exchange rates.
Progressive cryptocurrency exchange to suit all
We believe people anywhere in the world should have an easy and secure way to send and receive digital assets.
User Friendly
Wallet Services
Payment Methods
iOS / Android
The balance of simplicity and intuitiveness!
The interface of Bitritzza is so intuitive that it makes buying cryptocurrency not much more difficult than ordering groceries.
New generation wallets!
With our wallets you can securely receive and store your crypto, as well as send it with reasonable comissions.
We know what you need!
No limits. Buy cryptocurrency the way you want with a payment card or a bank transfer, with equal degree of convenience.
Coming soon
Work with crypto on the go!
Buy, receive, store and make other operations with cryptocurrency from anywhere in the world using a convenient application from Bitrizza.
Coming soon
Bring crypto to your life!
Online shopping, shopping in stores, payment for entertainment have become more accessible. Pay with crypto around the world with Bitrizza cards. 
B2B Customers
After reviewing your application your company will be able to purchase Bitcoin simplified.
Explore B2B Features
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Don't limit yourself to anything. Use the full functionality of working with cryptocurrency.
What are you waiting for?
The most technologically advanced cryptocurrency platform is already waiting for you!
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